Jackson Schmahl, Ethan Goede, Beau Laswell, Kadien Eilts, Kaiden McCoy
1st Inning: MFMS - 2, TLNY - 0
2nd Inning: MFMS - 5, TLNY - 0
3rd Inning: MFMS - 0, TLNY - 4
4th Inning: MFMS - 1, TLNY - 4
5th Inning: MFMS - 0, TLNY - 0
6th Inning: MFMS - 1, TLNY - 0
7th Inning: MFMS - 0, TLNY - 3
Overall Score: MFMS - 9, TLNY - 11
You can see that Maroa had a huge lead to start, but that sadly didn’t last long, as Tolono Unity gained 8 runs over the third and fourth inning which put them in the lead, which they kept for the rest of the game.
A few highlights of MFMS from the game:
- Hits: Mitch Williams 2
- RBIs: Mitch Williams 2
- Strikeouts: Andy Munjoy 2
So in the end, Maroa lost, but don’t let that take away your Trojan Pride, for the team has just won regionals!