Daily Announcements

February 07, 2025

Gold day

You may not have gum in middle school. Our custodians have been finding it everywhere. There are to be no hoods worn in the building. If you are caught, you will be assigned lunch detention. Also we are having a problem of students not staying in the classroom at the end of class. We are seeing several standing out in the hallway. We had a Cool Tool review on January 10 about all of these issues.

BHM: The Tuskegee Airmen flew over 200 combat missions in World War II and lost none of their own to enemy fire. Their incredible fighting record paved the way to full integration of the U.S. military.

Congratulations to the JV and Varsity Scholastic Bowl teams for going 4-0 last night against Shelbyville and Warrensburg.

Crush Can sales continue during lunch next week. Don’t forget to bring a dollar to buy send a soda to a friend (or yourself 😉).



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