The MFHS Trojanettes will be holding a clinic on Monday, January 20th for any student in grades pre-K 3 through 5th.
Check in will begin at 8:00 a.m. in the High School Athletic entrance, with the clinic starting at 8:20 a.m. Clinic attendees may be picked up at that same entrance at 11:00 a.m. Those who attend the clinic will learn proper stretching and technique and a routine that will be performed during the High School Girls Basketball game on Monday, January 27th, and Tuesday, January 28th. All those participating in the camp will receive a T-shirt and a snack. All clinic attendees need to bring a labeled water bottle.
Game Date
Monday, January 27 (6:00 p.m. call time, cafeteria) and Tuesday, January 28 (6:45 p.m. call time, cafeteria)
The cost for attending the clinic is $30.00. Checks can be made payable to Maroa-Forsyth High School, with Trojanettes written in the memo. Multiple registrations may be paid using the same check, but must include separate registration forms for each child attending. Contact Coach Mills if you need an e-payment option.
You may mail your registration to the address below or send it in a labeled envelope to the Grade School. Write Trojanettes Dance Camp on the envelope if you send it to the Grade School office. To ensure a t-shirt is ordered for your child, please submit your form by Monday, January 13. We will, however, accept registration up until the morning of the clinic. To register, please fill out the form below, detach and send to:
Maroa Forsyth High School
Attn: Coach Mills
610 W. Washington St.
Maroa, IL 61756
If you have questions, please email at