Helpful Tools
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Here are a few cheap, helpful tools to use in class!
- Resource: Color Overlays
- Cost: $11.99
- Use: Reading any text
- Where to Buy: Amazon - Color Overlays
- Resource: Magnetic Letters and Number
- Cost: $9.99
- Use: Content Area Manipulative
- Where to Buy: Amazon - Letter
- Resource: Wobble Cushions
- Cost: $17.9
- Use: Small Movement and Sensory
- Where to Buy: Amazon - Wobble Cushions
- Resource: Multiplication and Division Charts
- Cost & Where to Find: Free Google search
- Use: Math or Science Work
- Where to Find: Adjustable Multiplication Chart and Adjustable Division Chart
- Resource: Read-to-Self Phones
- Cost: $22.99 (12 Pack)
- Use: Auditory Feedback
- Where to Buy: Amazon - Auditory Feedback Phone
Here are a few simple adaptions to check out!
Flower Graphic Organizer
Similar to a Venn Diagram, but one topic in the middle and examples and/non-examples fill in the pedals. There are six pedals that can have math problems, pictures, and/or written text.
Note Taking Strategy
This is a table with two-four components. Two-four important points summarized, by the teacher of the student, from the section, chapter, unit, novel, or what you are working on. With each summary, the teacher provides a picture or requires the students to draw a pictures that corresponds with the important point.
Objective Summary Template
This allows for the students to write an objective summary by filling in blanks. Each blank requires a specific type of word. For example, an academic verb like examines. A word bank is provided for students to fill in blanks. This is a great way to scaffold summary writing.
Expert Group
An 'expert' group can be used to master a skill. Ability level does not matter in this! Expert Groups give simple step-by-step tasks. This grouping allows for students to work with peers and feel empowered!
- Split students into groups of 3 or 4 - you choose the groups or allow the students choose.
- Teacher assign each group with a task to become as expert on! For example, one section out of a chapter.
- Allow time for each group to become experts on assigned task.
- Teacher number each member of each group. Example: Let's say you have five groups of four students. In each group, number each student 1, 2, 3, or 4. You should have five students with the number 1, five with the number 2, and so on.
- Have all number 1 students form a new group, all number 2 students form a new group, and 3s and 4s.
- All students must teach their new groups the task they become experts on!
Jigsaw Group
This is very similar to an Expert group, the biggest difference being step #6.
- Students are divided into groups.
- Each group is given a set task - like reading and discussing a text.
- Allow time for each group to work through the task.
- Teacher number each member of each group. Example: Let's say you have five groups of four students. In each group, number each student 1, 2, 3, or 4. You should have five students with the number 1, five with the number 2, and so on.
- Have all number 1 students form a new group, all number 2 students form a new group, and 3s and 4s.
- Instead of sharing the expertise on one task, the newly formed group works together to solve a problem or complete a new task.
Think-Pair-Share is a simple way to get students working together and sharing with the class! This strategy allows time for response and gives students peer and teacher confirmation.
- Teacher posses question or task.
- Students are given specified amount of time to think about their answer/response.
- Students pair up, or group up, with a partner or table and discuss their answer/response.
- Designee from each pair/group shares with the class.
Seating Arrangement
A simple seating arrangement can make all the difference in the world for one student! A few examples:
- For a student to know exactly where to sit when they walk into a room can ease some stress.
- Sit the student with attention difficulties towards the front, by the teacher, by themselves, and/or away from windows and doors.
- Allow for student work space.
Alternate Seating
There are so many options for alternate seating!
- Different chairs (ex. yoga balls, stools, benches, rocking chair)
- Wobble cushions
- Standing desks
- Carpet
- Tables and Student Desks
- Yoga mats or carpet squares
- Beanbag Chairs
Student Grouping
- Random Grouping
- Achievement or Ability Grouping
- Social (Cooperative) Grouping
- Interest Grouping
- Task Grouping
- Knowledge of Subject Grouping
- Skill/Strategy Grouping
- Student Choice Grouping
Classroom Design
- Desk Placement
- Seating
- Visuals
- Cleanliness
- Organized
Google Classroom
If you have a Google Classroom, there is a simple way to assign group work!
- Assign something
- Instead of assigning to all students - click the drop down box that states 'All Students', uncheck 'all students', then check students you want in the group for this assignment.
- You do have to assign multiple assignments for multiple groups!
- There is another drop down box that allows for the teacher to decide if the student can either view, all students edit one document, or all students get their own copy to work on. Make sure to select the appropriate box!
I recently conducted a three presentations that share some pictures and examples of great adaptions - most are mentioned above! The topics are: Strategic Grouping, Differentiated Notes, Adapted Projects. The PowerPoint documents used for the presentations are attached below.
Read about almost all of the adaptions mentioned above in the attached PDF or website below!
Adapted Notes
Attached below are a few things I have created and/or use to adapt notes, projects, and work!